Tres Cantos - February 2018

For a second consecutive year our IES Pintor Antonio López has received the visit of students from Cotham School in Bristol. 

This time it was a group of 15 enthusiastic and lovely students, together with their teachers Ms. Swaine and Mr. Morton. We welcomed them at the airport in the evening on February 21st and went straight away to meet their partners in Tres Cantos

Resultado de imagen de ies pintor antonio lópez
Thursday 22

While the Spanish partners had lessons in the morning, our Cotham visitors had their first contact with the city of Madrid, beginning with a typical breakfast of chocolate con churros at the most traditional place in the city San Ginés

Once full of energy, they went south to Matadero in order to do a bike ride along Madrid Río, which allowed them to see the city from a different perspective and was surely good exercise an lots of fun

A nice stop to rest and see Goya's paintings at San Antonio de la Florida

Lunch at the park

And back to Tres Cantos to spend the rest of the day with their partners

Friday 23

A sunny cold morning and we were off to El Valle de los Caídos and El Escorial, to have a brief taste of Spanish recent and XVIc history

Valle de los Caídos

San Lorenzo de El Escorial

Resultado de imagen de monasterio de el escorial

The students spent the weekend with their partners and families and had a chance to experience real immersion in Spanish culture and gastronomy


The last day of the exchange was dedicated to a walk in Madrid and a visit to Reina Sofía  museum

Plaza Mayor

Museo Reina Sofía

Guernica by Pablo Picasso

After a lovely morning in Madrid. The Bristol students came back to Tres Cantos to have lunch with their exchanges and say the last goodbyes ultil April in Bristol.

See you soon!


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